
Scenario: Car hits a cyclist

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Scenario Overview:
You and 4 friends are walking home from school and witness a car hit a cyclist at an intersection. The intersection is generally not a busy one. The car has travelled across the intersection and come to a stop without any further incidence. The cyclist is lying on the ground with an obvious broken leg, there is a significant amount of blood coming from the wound They are also unconscious and but breathing, but this deteriorates and breathing stops. Due to the impact, the cyclist is now in the middle of the intersection. The driver of the car is an older gentlemen, he is conscious, but complaining of a sore chest and weak arms, he also has slurred speech. A female bystander has witnessed this accident and is visibly distressed by what she has seen. He begins to have shallow, rapid breathing and anxiety.
First Aider Difficult
How the scenario should progress:
First aiders should split up, triage and treat patients to the best of their ability. One first aider should call 000 immediately, another should assist with traffic control. Once split, 2 first aiders should treat Patient 1 (cyclist) for a major blood bleed and CPR when breathing stops. One first aider should treat Patient 2 (driver) for stroke. One first aider should treat Patient 3 (bystander) for shock.
Patient 1:
Name: unknown    Age: 15    Sex: Male
Medication: None
Allergies: None
Past medical/family/social history: None
Findings on examination: Unconscious but breathing victim with visible broken lower leg. Leg will have severe bleeding around wound. The victim will then deteriorate and stop breathing.
Possible treatment from first aiders: 1. DRSABCD 2. Apply pressure to wound to stop bleeding with bandages (clothes) or with a tourniquet. 3. CPR completed on patient when they stop breathing.
Time after start: duration of scenario
Response: none
Airway: yes
Breathing? yes
Respirations: very low
Pulse: slow (<40bpm)

Patient 2:
Name: Frank    Age: 65    Sex: Male
Medication: Medication for high blood pressure
Allergies: None
Past medical/family/social history: None
Findings on examination: Patient is having slurred speech and complaining of chest pain, they also present with weak arms.
Possible treatment from first aiders: Treat for stroke. Call 000 immediately and don't let them sleep, drink or eat.
Time after start: duration of scenario
Response: Yes
Airway: Yes
Breathing? Yes

Patient 3:
Name: Sarah    Age: 15    Sex: Female
Medication: None
Allergies: None
Past medical/family/social history: None
Findings on examination: Shallow, rapid breathing. Also very distressed and extremely anxious.
Possible treatment from first aiders: Treat patient for shock. reassure the patient and get them to focus on breathing deeply. Could also lay them down and elevate their legs.
Time after start: start 2-3mins
Response: Yes Yes
Airway: yes Yes
Breathing? shallow and rapid normal

Tips for the patient actors:

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous