
Scenario: Careful pregnant

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Scenario Overview:
While at a crowed area a lady goes into labour, the first aiders must be able to help care for the woman to help her feel more comfortable and help find a clean place and other clean things for the baby, assuming the ambulance is more than 11 minutes away the first aiders had to deliver the baby
First Aider Moderate
How the scenario should progress:
If the first aiders are unable to make the patient feel comfortable and cared for her condition should change, if they cant keep the crowd away the patient will keep feeling uncomfortable and uncared for
Patient 1:
Name:     Age: 26    Sex: Female
Medication: none
Allergies: none
Past medical/family/social history: pregnant
Findings on examination: the baby is coming
Possible treatment from first aiders: CARE this is mainly about patient care and making the woman feel comfortable to give birth
No Observations Given
Pain Score:

Patient 2:
Name:     Age: 0    Sex: Male
Medication: none
Allergies: none
Past medical/family/social history: Was just born
Findings on examination:
Possible treatment from first aiders: its a baby they need to do proper care for baby
No Observations Given

Tips for the patient actors:

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous