
Scenario: Faint at the Races

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Scenario Overview:
You are backing up a First Aider at a running event, it is a beautiful sunny day, and they tell you that this runner (approx 50YO) started stumbling and went pale and clammy then collapsed. So they have raised their legs.
Ambulance Crew (non HCP)
How the scenario should progress:
A thorough ABCDE assessment should be made and pulses should be felt before observations are taken. If they do not feel for a pulse then the Pulse rate from the pulse oximeter should be quartered as they often cannot pick up tachycardia well.
Patient 1:
Name:     Age: 50    Sex: Male
Medication: Unknown, some heart pills from doctor, wife unsure what.
Allergies: Unknown
Past medical/family/social history: Fun runner, normally self-sufficient, wife reports patient normally fit and well.
Findings on examination: History is only as given at senario overview Only give up information if people check for it A - Snoring, self-maintained, C-Spine not suspect B - Tachypnoea, No cyanosis, good SpO2, chest sounds clear, equal expansion, no nasal flaring, deep breaths, no flain segments, no crepitus, no penetrating chest trauma, no tracheal tug or deviation, no JVD, no Tension pneumothorax C - pallor, sweaty, Pulses fast and weak, no discolouration of abdomen, abdo soft and tender, no obvious long bone breaks, D - GCS 9 (E2V2M5), Pain on ACVPU, Normal Temp, Normal BM E - Hot Sunny day, start planning on getting shade over the patient If they get a set of observations, they can be given them
Possible treatment from first aiders: Complete a Structured and ordered Primary Survey following an ABCDE format. Feel for a pulse as a minimum. Get the first aider to act out/explain what they are looking for. Identify need for 999 response, and potential fluid therapy. If able start fluid therapy and transport.
Time after start: Initial 5 mins later 10 mins later with correct treatment
Response: P P V
Airway: Snoring Snoring Clear
Breathing? Yes Yes Yes
Respirations: 36 36 30
Pulse: 150 150 165
Oxygen Sats: 95% Air 90% Air 96% Oxygen therapy
Pain Score: Unknown Unknown Unknown
Blood Pressure: 80/65 78/60 90/70
Temperature: 37.6
Blood Glucose: 5.6
GCS: 9 (E2V2M5) 9 (E2V2M5) 11 (E3V3M6)

Tips for the patient actors:
Do not give any info up willingly

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous