
Scenario: Glow Eye

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Scenario Overview:
The first aiders are called to a patient with a glow stick stuck in their eye after a joke went a bit wrong at a party. The scenario will test assessment skills and also get them to have to deal with a situation that is probably a bit outside the standard first aid course example! It will work best if you are able to work out a good way of getting a glow stick to look like it is poking out of the eye on the actor (obviously don't actually do it!).
First Aider Moderate
How the scenario should progress:
The patient is stable but is very scared and panicky so the first aiders will also need to calm them down.
Patient 1:
Name: Maddie Brennon    Age: 20    Sex: Female
Medication: 'On the pill'
Allergies: None Known
Past medical/family/social history: Usually fit and well.
Findings on examination: Glow stick stuck in eye. Some blood coming from eye socket. Pain around eye and that side of head but doesn't radiate anywhere else. The pain started as soon as the glow stick went in and is described as a really bad ache with moments of really intense and sharp pain if she moves her eye very much (5/10 changing to 7/10 on the slightest movement of the eye). Patient is fully alert and is able to answer questions and retain information well. Patient is very panicked and is breathing quite quickly as a result. Eye socket feels like it is throbbing. Patient feels a bit dizzy although they say that that might be because they can't stand the sight of blood.
Possible treatment from first aiders: Potentially place a pad over the good eye to try and minimise movement of both eyes. Try and stabilise the glow stick in the other eye. Seek further medical assistance. Try to reassure/calm patient.
Time after start: 0 mins 5 mins
Response: Alert Alert
Airway: yes Yes
Breathing? yes yes
Respirations: 19 panicky 18 panicky
Pulse: 115 regular 110 regular

Tips for the patient actors:
You will be very scared and cooperative with the first aiders and if they try to calm you down you can be a little less freaked out and can slow your breathing down a bit.

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous