
Scenario: Hello, can you hear me?

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Scenario Overview:
You are working the night time economy shift on a busy weekend and its just been payday for most people. You are relaxing with fellow first aiders at the treatment centre after a busy couple of hours when once again you and fellow first aider are asked by one of the event officers to response to a casualty of 'Unknown status'- Once you arrive on scene you are met by a security officer who guides you to the casualty, as soon as you see the casualty you can see they are laying on their back making "snoring" sounds and have a moderate amount of bleeding coming from their forehead. (Scenario can be adjusted in places to suit your guidelines and practise)
First Aider Moderate
How the scenario should progress:
Use the following steps to help the scenario progress:- 1. First aiders should be in quite room or place far away from casualty - (for realistic response time) 2. Trainer should give the first aiders radios (Phones can be used if radios aren't available), the trainer should then radio the first aiders with the following script:- TRAINER- "Control to Foxtrot 1, Please can you response to Big bob's nightclub for an casualty that's reported to be of an Unknown status" FIRST AIDER- "Foxtrot 1 to Control, roger that all received. show us on route to the location now, stand by for updates" TRAINER- "Control to Foxtrot 1, thank you all received, showing you In route to location and standing by for Updates" 3. first aiders are then required to respond the incident, once on scene the first aider should inform control that they have made contact with the caller the security officer and about to make contact with casualty. 4. on sight of seeing the casualty first aider must radio back to control to let them know they are about to make contact with the casualty and should stand by for updates. Scenario Clinical Progression:- (Casualty will be unresponsive at the start of scenario) First aiders after being lead to the casualty must do the following to help with clinical progress of the scenario 1. decide who is going to be the attending and who is going to be assisting (If first aider is new allocate them to be the attending to help give them experience and have experienced first aider as assisting/providing mentoring) 2. Check for dangers following the SCENE acronym. 3. once Assessing for danger and making correct adjustments to the scene first aiders must carry out the Primary survey. 4. after carrying the primary assessment and making correct adjustments carry out a head to toe assessment. 5. first aider must treat casualty- Recovery position and stop the bleeding- this is to be done by the attending first aider, while doing this the assisting first aider Must radio control give them a report of what they have found and should be something on the lines of "Foxtrot 1 to control, contact made with casualty- Primary assessment show no signs of any major life threats- casualty is unresponsive and breathing, with moderate laceration to the forehead, all injuries treated on site. requiring medevac." TRAINER TO RESPOND:- "Control to Foxtrot 1, Roger that, all information received and passed on to transport crew, Bravo 4 in route and is 5 minutes away" 6. first aiders are required to monitor and reassess casualty until transport arrives. 7. casualty should slowly start to come round, acting in a confused state. first aiders should try and reassure the casualty. 8. once they deem the casualty stable enough they should take more observations and conduct a secondary survey, they should also report the casualty is now awake and responsive to control. 9. TRAINER should step in as transport crew and read all relevant information on patient report form, ask questions. once trainer is happy the scenario should END.
Patient 1:
Name: John Doe     Age: 21    Sex: Male
Medication: N/A
Allergies: Bees Paracetamol Latex
Past medical/family/social history: Past History of Mental health- Depression, was an active self harmer- discharge from the mental health services when he was 18 Lives alone, but is capable of looking after himself
Findings on examination: unresponsive casualty- making "snoring" - not sleep related Moderate bleeding to the forehead
Possible treatment from first aiders: Primary survey Head to toe assessment - due in unresponsive stage Recovery position Stop the bleeding- direct pressure and bandaging Secondary survey- when casualty is responsive again
Time after start: 0 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 Minutes
Response: U U A A
Airway: "snoring" Yes Yes Yes
Breathing? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Respirations: slight difficulty Normal Normal Normal
Pulse: Normal Normal Normal Normal

Tips for the patient actors:
Actor- should remain unresponsive until at least 10 minutes into the scenario and all treatment has been provided. when you start to come round act confused and place the palm of your hand on the 'injured' side of the forehead- be friendly and corporate with first aiders- Ask question such as "where am I?" "what happened" "who are you?" When they start their secondary survey be very vague with details and only give them information that in the patient details, the rest of the question you aren't sure how to answer them. so just say "I cant remember" or I don't know, sorry"

Scenario submitted by: TheMED