
Scenario: Load & Go

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Scenario Overview:
You are Mine Rescuer (MR) and receive a call that a worker has fallen from a height of apx 20 feet in an underground environment. The casualty is reported to be unconscious and appears to be bleeding slowly from their ears. When you arrive, you find the patient on their stomach and see a small amount of blood around their head. The worker who called the incident in has also tagged out all the equipment in the area and removed any hazards.
First Aider Moderate
How the scenario should progress:
The Mine Rescue team should arrive on scene and complete a Scene Survey and evaluate LOC. Once LOC is determined C-Spine should be established while others complete the Primary Survey and prepare backboard/basket. The Casualty should be rolled from their stomach on to the backboard while stabilizing C-Spine. The MR team should then backboard and load the patient in the basket for evacuation. Throughout the encounter, MR should monitor ABC's and Vitals and update MR Officer on any changes to the state of the casualty.
Patient 1:
Name: John Doe    Age: 29    Sex: Male
Medication: Blood thinners - Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)
Allergies: Latex
Past medical/family/social history: None
Findings on examination: Crepitus in lower back and pooling internal bleeding in lower abdomen.
Possible treatment from first aiders: - Stabilize C-Spine - Backboard - Apply ice packs to abdomen to slow blood flow
Time after start: Pre-Treatment 5 10
Response: N N N
Airway: Y Y Y
Breathing? Y Y Y
Respirations: Shallow Shallow Shallow
Pulse: 78 72 65
Oxygen Sats: 98 98 97
Pain Score: 8 8 8
Blood Pressure: 140/90

Tips for the patient actors:
Continue to be unresponsive and rag doll to make it more realistic.

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous