
Scenario: Primary survey

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Scenario Overview:
You are at event when are called to an unresponsive person (Male or female) laying on the floor, its 2 minutes from your current location. you must determine if there any life threats (illness or injuries) the casualty and carry out a correct assessment of the casualty.
First Aider Easy
How the scenario should progress:
This scenario is very basic and is designed to assess a candidate/first aider or advance provider knowledge of the Primary survey:- DR.CABC, the casualty should be stable and should just be unresponsive. the first aider should do the the following Scenario Time limit: 4-5 minutes Danger:- check for danger (No danger is present) Response:- ACVPU- (Unresponsive) Catastrophic Bleeding:- Blood sweep (No Bleeding Present) Airway:- open and check the airway Breathing:- Look for Rise and fall of the chest or listen for sound Circulation:- check skin (natural healthy colour, warm, good capillary refill) Once the primary survey is completed the trainer should end the scenario and provided any appropriate feed back to the first aider/candidate. (If you think you candidate is confident or the first aider/advance provider is well experienced then you may modify this scenario to your own needs)
Patient 1:
Name: Unknown    Age: unknown    Sex: Male
Medication: Unknown
Allergies: unknown
Past medical/family/social history: unknown
Findings on examination: Danger:- (No danger is present) Response:- (Unresponsive) Catastrophic Bleeding:- Blood sweep (No Bleeding Present) Airway:- open and check the airway Breathing:- Look for Rise and fall of the chest or listen for sound Circulation:- check skin (natural healthy colour, warm, good capillary refill)
Possible treatment from first aiders: Primary survey ONLY (Unless chosen to Modify for your own needs, then this up to you!)
Time after start: 0 minute 5 minutes
Response: U U
Airway: Y Y
Breathing? Y Y

Tips for the patient actors:
Remain Unresponsive, be "Dead weight" and DO NOT HELP the candidate, First aider/advance provider

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous