
Scenario: The window came at me...

Please note: The users who submit scenarios have declared that all patient details are fiction. We cannot guarentee the accuracy of any suggested treatment or the realism of suggested observations. You should judge these for yourself.


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Scenario Overview:
The first aiders are called to an 18 year old man who has put his arms through a window. Glass is all over the floor and the man will appear intoxicated and bleeding significantly. The scenario tests major bleeds management and treatment of shock. You could get the situation to happen in a more difficult environment with loud music or lots of people around if you want to add some additional challenges.
First Aider Easy
How the scenario should progress:
The patient will deteriorate in response but will be breathing throughout unless bleeding is not controlled. The pulse will rise until bleeding is controlled. Resps will stay relatively high.
Patient 1:
Name: James Mull    Age: 18    Sex: Male
Medication: Blue inhaler for asthma
Allergies: None Known
Past medical/family/social history: Asthma
Findings on examination: Cuts along arms and hands where patient has put both arms through the window. Patient has been drinking 'all day' and appears evidently intoxicated. Blood is spewing out profusely from his arms (you could pick one to have an arterial bleed with more minor bleeds to hands and other arm). No other big injuries. Patient is initially very 'full of it', saying he is fine but then changes his mind when he realises just how much he is bleeding. Signs and symptoms of shock will develop (deteriorating response, pale skin, quickening pulse etc.)
Possible treatment from first aiders: Major bleeds controlled first, followed by other bleeds. Treatment for shock. Re-assess regularly with changing response.
Time after start: 0 mins 1 mins 2 mins (assuming bleed controlled)
Response: Alert Voice Unresponsive
Airway: Yes Yes Yes
Respirations: 24 24 22
Pulse: 135 strong 143 weaker 140 weak
Oxygen Sats: 96 89 90

Tips for the patient actors:
Initially act quite confident but then get a bit more worried. Allow the first aiders to treat you after your initial burst of confidence. Deteriorate in response fairly rapidly.

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous