
Full Scenario List

77 scenarios currently in the library!

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This scenario is all about recognising and reacting to an often deadly thunderclap headache. This needs the FAs/ambulance crew to be on their toes to react quickly and not just dismiss this as a headache or early hangover. This tests: the ability to recognise serious illness, taking a very rapid history, unconscious casualty management. Situation: You are on a booze bus duty and it has just hit 4 AM. A man who looks like he is in his 50s bursts in to the room. He is clearly distressed - he is clutching his head and lets out a scream of agony. He smells of alcohol but does not seem that drunk. Upon questioning, he says he has the worst headache he has ever had in his life and that it feels like he has been hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat.

Difficulty: First Aider Difficult Number of patients: 1
Tags: Neurological Conditions,  Medical Conditions,  Unconscious Casualty,  History Taking, 

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The first aiders are called to a patient's home who has hurt her arm whilst arm wrestling her boyfriend. On arrival the patient is alert and sitting on an armchair with her arm hanging down keeping it still. The humerus can be seen to be obviously deformed from the doorway. This scenario tests fracture management skills.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Fractures,  Pain Management, 

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The first aiders are called to a patient who has recently been chucked out of a nightclub for being aggressive but now seems to have reduced conciousness and is slumped unresponsive against a wall near the nightclub. A patient's friend is with her and insists they've only 'had a few vodka and cokes' but is acting fair drunk themselves. The friend is unaware that the patient is a type 1 insulin dependent diabetic and does not drink and so has been having coke instead of vodka and coke. This scenario tests the first aiders ability to not assume that the patient is just drunk.

Difficulty: First Aider Difficult Number of patients: 1
Tags: Medical Conditions,  History Taking,  Unconscious Casualty, 

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The first aiders have been called to a patient who has been punched in the head whilst covering a city centre on the 'booze bus'. They were called by police. The assailant had ran away. The patient has a potential head injury and is unable to speak which means that the first aiders will need to find some other way of communicating with the patient. This scenario tests communication skills along as well as head injury management.

Difficulty: First Aider Moderate Number of patients: 1
Tags: Head Injury,  Communication, 

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This scenario is all about dealing with a pretty minor injury but under the pressure of someone demanding that they need an ambulance. The first aiders are covering an event at a college disco. An intoxicated male patient has twisted their ankle whilst dancing and has hobbled across to the first aider post with his friends for some help.

Difficulty: First Aider Moderate Number of patients: 1
Tags: Scene Management,  Communication,  Sprains and strains, 

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The first aiders are covering a football tournament and are out patrolling the event. A female patient walks up telling them that she was hit on the head when playing about half an hour or so ago and do the first aiders have a pain killer or something. This scenario is designed to test out the first aiders' head injury assessment and helps them practice making the judgement of when to discharge and when to ask for more help.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Head Injury,  History Taking, 

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The first aiders are covering a sports event and are called to one of the rugby pitches where it is reported that someone has been hurt when a scrum collapsed. On arrival, the first aiders will find the patient alert by lying in the position they were in when the scrum collapsed because they have pain in their neck and everyone was a bit worried to move them. But they'd quite like to start the match again and so will be encouraging the first aiders to move patient off of the pitch. The weather is pretty bad. This scenario tests query spinal injury management and working in cold and wet conditions.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Spinal Injury,  Scene Management, 

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This is a scenario about anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction). The first aiders are at a local bridge competition and have been called over to one of the lunch areas to a patient who has breathing difficulty. On arrival, they find the patient gasping for breathing with their hands up near their neck, evidently struggling to breathe.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Allergies,  Airway Management, 

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The first aiders are called to a patient who has injured their leg playing rugby. In the tackle, the patient's lower leg moved over 90 degrees in the wrong direction around the knee and they are now in a lot of pain. The patient's team mates have called the first aiders over. This scenario is a test of dealing with a sporting related trauma and gets them to investigate the injury fully to ensure they don't miss circulation and sensation abnormalities beyond the point of the injury.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Trauma,  Sprains and strains,  Fractures, 

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A scenario that tests infant CPR whilst also dealing with a terrified and panicked mother at the same time. For this scenario you will need an infant CPR doll and an actor for the mother. The first aiders are called to a panicked parent who is holding their baby in their arms and screaming 'he's not breathing!'.

Difficulty: First Aider Moderate Number of patients: 1
Tags: Resus/CPR,  Paediatrics,  Scene Management,