
Full Scenario List

77 scenarios currently in the library!

All of the scenarios in the database are shown here. You may find it useful to search the scenarios for a particular topic.

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The first aiders on at a music festival and get a message on the radio to attend a young female requesting assistance as they have cut their arm and are bleeding. You are only a minute away from the patient when you get the call. The patient has been opening a tin can whilst camping at the music festival and has sliced across her forearm. The tin can and knife she was trying to open the can with are next to the patient. The patient is bleeding profusely.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Bleeds,  Cardiovascular Conditions,  Shock, 

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This scenario tests the first aiders ability to react to changing dangers whilst they are treating. They have been covering a college ball where a couple in their early twenties have come up to you asking for help because the female has had her foot stamped on with a stiletto and now has a small wound in her foot. The bloke is initially very helpful and wants the first aiders to help. However, part way through the scenario he will suddenly accuse the first aider of looking up the girl's skirt and will become quite agressive verbally and physically towards the first aiders. The girl also becomes quite scared at how her boyfriend is acting.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Scene Management,  Primary Survey,  Bleeds,  Dealing with Dangers, 

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You are first aiding at a sports venue where a large variety of sports are in progress. You are walking around the event and come across a patient sitting on the floor, holding their arm in evident pain and not entirely with it. The patient has diabetes and has low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia) and has consequently collapsed, injuring their arm on the way down.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Medical Conditions,  History Taking, 

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This scenario is about getting people to have a bit of a think in a less standard resus situation. The patient is not breathing and has a screwdriver impaled in the centre of their chest. The first aiders have been called in to the house by a relative. It's not entirely clear how the screwdriver ended up in the patient's chest.

Difficulty: First Aider Moderate Number of patients: 1
Tags: Resus/CPR,  Primary Survey,  Trauma, 

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The patient has been at a party that was gatecrashed by some not-so-nice guests. This particular patient has been asked to give over their wallet but refused so 3 of the gatecrashers have attacked with fists and a knife. The patient has backed into the corner and collapsed. The first aiders have been covering an event at a community hall next door and have been called in to see the patient.

Difficulty: First Aider Difficult Number of patients: 1
Tags: Trauma,  Unconscious Casualty,  Primary Survey,  Bleeds, 

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This is a really straight-forward scenario designed to to test basic life support skills. The first aiders are called to a patient who they will find unresponsive and not breathing. This scenario doesn't include loads of complications but tests the basic skills.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Resus/CPR,  Primary Survey, 

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The first aiders are called to a patient who is lying on their bed at home by a rather panicked family member. The patient will be not breathing. The scenario is all about checking whether the first aiders realise CPR is ineffective if carried out on a bed.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Resus/CPR,  Unconscious Casualty,  Primary Survey,